Whitening Special! Opalescence Boost Professional Teeth Whitening with Eight home application trays for $250. Call 847-787-1155 to schedule 24/7! We…
Happy Mothers Day! From the staff at White Plains Dental and Dr Hong, your Northbrook dentist.
White Plains Dental, your local dental office, would like to welcome new patients to their office. They have a valuable…
White Plains Dental, your Northbrook dental office, welcomes patients with and without dental insurance. We have a variety of new…
Our Northbrook dental office, White Plains Dental is very proud of our new reception area. You will enjoy Wi-Fi, Netflix,…
White Plains Dental, your Northbrook dental office is now open for business. Northbrook officials gave us our certificate of occupancy…
White Plains Dental, your new Northbrook dental office is pleased to announce that our bright new sign is up! Please…